Contact Us & Directions
11176 Peaceful Valley Rd
New Castle, VA, 24127
(540) 864-6792
Please note: We advise that you print our driving directions (bottom of this page) before visiting our facility. DO NOT rely solely on a vehicle GPS navigation system. Using GPS, only follow it until you leave the interstate, then use the printable directions.
IMPORTANT! If you are traveling from the North along 81 South and your GPS has you take exit 156:
This is a windy mountain road and is NOT suitable for vehicles hauling trailers. Please continue to exit 141 and follow your GPS from there.
If you take exit 156, your GPS will take you to route 606. Follow the printed directions below and NOT your GPS…it will have you crossing a large, often impassable creek.

Directions from Southeast: Roanoke, Greensboro, Raleigh, etc.
Directions from East: Charlottesville, Richmond, VA Beach, etc.
Directions from West: Charleston, Columbus, St. Louis, etc.
Directions from South & Southwest: Charlotte, Atlanta, Nashville, etc.
Directions from North: Northern VA, New York, Pennsylvania, etc.